Ways to customize your Rose Glow face mask and scrub

4 Ways to Customize Your Rose Glow Mask + Scrub

Rose Glow Mask + Scrub. Ways to customize this mask to treat your unique skins needs.

Using a facial mask 1-2 times per week provides your skin with so many benefits!

  • It increases hydration
  • It pulls out dirt and unwanted oils
  • It refines skin tone
  • It exfoliates…just to name a few!

We love our Rose Glow Face Mask for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. With a healthy dose of Rosehip included, which has beta-carotene and vitamin C, these antioxidants are free radical scavengers to help combat the signs of aging. So let’s dive into 4 ways you can customize your Rose Glow Mask + Scrub!

To customize to your experience, you can use:

Water – let the mask shine through and keep it simple

Yogurt– contains lactic acid, an organic compound that aids in diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by tightening pores

Coconut Milk – contains high levels of Vitamin C which helps maintain elasticity and flexibility of skin.

Hydrating Mist – balance your skin’s PH with anti-aging properties that are also soothing and hydrating.

Mix about a teaspoon in a small glass or ceramic bowl, blend in a few drops at a time until you achieve a thick paste. Gently massage mask all over face and neck, leave on for 5-10 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

For dryer skin, add a few drops of our Daily Repair Serum before applying to face.

So, there you have it 4 ways you can customize our Rose Glow Mask + Scrub to suit your skin needs.

What’s your favorite way to use this mask? Let me know!

XOXO, Heather Grace